Trade terms


  1. The seller – Alena Dideková KOŽA-KOŽUŠINY Morušová street 517/9 03104 Liptovský Mikuláš Enterprise ID: 40001423 VATIN: 1020081777 is a provider of the online shop
  2. The buyer – a natural person, a consumer, a businessman, a natural or a legal person who entered a contractual relationship with the seller.
  3. The commodity – a product or a service that is in the offer of the online shop
  4. The electronic order – a sent electronic order containing the information about the buyer, a list of ordered commodities from the seller’s offer and the price for the ordered commodities.

II. ORDER, CONTRACT CONCLUSION, abandonment of contract

  1. The buyer orders seller’s commodities through an electronic order. The seller processes orders in the order they are delivered.
  2. All received electronic orders are considered to be proposals for a conclusion of a contract and they are binding.
  3. The seller confirms the electronic order by e-mail. Thus an obligatorily legal relationship between the seller and the buyer is established.
  4. The buyer has a right to cancel the order only on the day of issue. It is possible to cancel orders by telephone or by e-mail. The seller confirms an acceptance of order cancellation to the buyer by telephone, e-mail.
  5. In accordance with the clauses § 12 para. 1 Act no. 108/2000 Coll on consumer protection in doorstep and mail-order selling as amended, the buyer has a right to withdraw from a purchase contract without giving any reason within 7 working days started on the day of receiving the commodity. The returned commodity has to be delivered to the seller’s address in a way of a common or a commercial package through a mail or a mail-order company. We do not accept a commodity returned through cash on delivery. The returned commodity mustn’t show signs of use, mustn’t be damaged, must be complete and must be packed in an original case. It is necessary to attach to the commodity a copy of a tax document, a written declaration of abandonment of the contract including a number of an invoice, a date of delivery of the commodity and an account number to return the sum paid for the commodity. The returned sum does not include fees for commodity transportation.


  1. The seller delivers a commodity to the buyer as soon as possible considering a day of receiving an electronic order. The ordered commodity will be sent through a chosen mail-order company to the buyer’s name and address within the Slovak Republic and foreign countries.
    Our company cooperates with Slovenská pošta (Slovak Mail) and courier services.
    A delivery period for foreign customers within the EU is 14 days from the time of placing the order, via Slovenská pošta (Slovak Mail) or courier services in a form of a letter or a package.
  2. In case the commodity is not in stock, the seller contacts the buyer to arrange following procedure.
  3. In case the customer does not take a consignment at the post office or from a courier by any reason, and the customer is still interested in the commodity, the consignment will be again sent to the customer only after paying the overall sum on our account in advance, it means before sending the commodity to the customer.
  4. If the commodity or an announcement about saving at the post office is not delivered until 14 days after receiving our e-mail about dispatching, please contact us and also your delivery post office. We will write you all necessary data – a file number of your consignment. You may get the file number via e-mail to:,
  5. In case the commodity is not in stock, the seller contacts the buyer to arrange following procedure.
    The commodity become buyer’s property after paying the purchasing sum in full.
    The seller delivers to the buyer, apart from the commodity, also a tax document – an invoice, that serves at the same time as a letter of guarantee.


  1. The seller is obliged to deliver a commodity to the buyer for a price valid at the time of ordering the commodity.
    The buyer pays the purchasing sum for the commodity at receiving the commodity.
  2. All prices at the online shop include VAT and they are valid at the time of ordering commodities. Transportation costs are not included.
  3. We accept a CASH DEPOSIT for foreign customers. Paying through a transfer to an account it is necessary to put a variable symbol (the variable symbol is a number of an invoice, which we will need to be able to identify the payment in case of complaining and thus we can later return that payment)
    Points 4,5,6,7 are valid for customers within the Slovak Republic.
  4. Unclaimed commodity – In case you do not take the commodity we charge a fee in an amount of costs which our company suffers by your treatment, it means a fee in an amount of costs emerged from commodity transportation.


  1. We charge postage according to rates of Slovenská pošta (Slovak Mail): and rates of the courier service UPS.
  2. Points 2. 3. are valid for customers within the Slovak Republic.
  3. In case of a possible loss or damage to the consignment we return only a sum that Slovenská pošta (Slovak Mail) returns after finishing a complaint procedure.
  4. When you order several things you pay postage only once. The amount of postage depends on weight and size of the package.


  1. Sold commodities are covered by a statutory guarantee period of 24 months. The guarantee period begins on a day when the buyer receives the commodity.
  2. The guarantee covers provable manufacturing defects caused by the producer and revealed at receiving the commodity or during its use.
  3. The guarantee does not cover flaws emerged due to incorrect using and treating the commodity caused by the buyer. The guarantee also does not cover normal wear and tear caused by its usage.
  4. The buyer informs the seller by e-mail about the complaint of a commodity as soon as the buyer reveals any defect. The buyer sends the complained commodity to the seller’s address together with a brief note of the defect in form of a package, or via a courier service. Transportation costs are suffered by the buyer.
  5. The seller decides about rightfulness of the complaint usually in a period up to 3 working days from delivering the complained commodity. In reasoned cases it lasts 30 days at latest from the beginning of the complaint procedure.
  6. We secure a post-guarantee service.


  1. The seller deals with buyer’s personal data in accordance with law no. 428/2002 Coll on the protection of personal data in information systems. The seller pledges not to provide information about buyers to third parties and not to use them commercially.
  2. In case of attacking the server by an unknown offender (hacker), the seller reserves the right to withdraw from a guarantee of safety. The rules mentioned above, concerning usage of personal data, are not valid in this situation.


  1. Sending an electronic order, the buyer accepts without reservation all provisions of “general commercial terms” in the wording valid on a day of dispatching this order.
  2. Relationships between both the contract parties, which are not limited by these general commercial terms, are ruled by relevant clauses of Civil Code, Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Protection Act in doorstep and mail-order sale and the Law on Electronic Commerce.
  3. The seller and buyer agreed that they fully accept the electronic form of communication via e-mails and internet network as valid and binding.